Embedded Web server sections
Tab or section Options
Information tab
Provides device, status, and
configuration information
Device Status: Shows the device status and shows the life remaining of HP supplies,
with 0% indicating that a supply is empty. The page also shows the type and size of
print paper set for each tray. To change the default settings, click Change
Configuration Page: Shows the information found on the configuration page.
Supplies Status: Shows the life remaining of HP supplies, with 0 percent indicating
that a supply is empty. This page also provides supplies part numbers. To order new
supplies, click Order Supplies in the Other Links area on the left side of the window.
Event log: Shows a list of all device events and errors.
Usage page: Shows a summary of the number of pages the device has printed,
grouped by size and type.
Device Information: Shows the device network name, address, and model
information. To change these entries, click Device Information on the Settings tab.
Control Panel: Shows messages from the device control panel, such as Ready
or Sleep mode on.
Print: Allows you to send print jobs to the device.
Settings tab
Provides the ability to configure the
device from your computer
Configure Device: Allows you to configure device settings. This page contains the
traditional menus found on devices using a control-panel display.
E-mail Server: Network only. Used in conjunction with the Alerts page to set up
incoming and outgoing e-mail, as well as to set e-mail alerts.
Alerts: Network only. Allows you to set up to receive e-mail alerts for various device
and supplies events.
AutoSend: Allows you to configure the device to send automated e-mails regarding
device configuration and supplies to specific e-mail addresses.
Security: Allows you to set a password that must be entered to gain access to the
Settings and Networking tabs. Enable and disable certain features of the
embedded Web server.
Edit Other Links: Allows you to add or customize a link to another Web site. This
link is displayed in the Other Links area on all embedded Web server pages.
Device Information: Allows you to name the device and assign an asset number to
it. Enter the name and e-mail address for the primary contact who will receive
information about the device.
Language: Allows you to determine the language in which to display the embedded
Web server information.
Date & Time: Allows time synchronization with a network time server.
Wake Time: Allows you to set or edit a wake time for the device.
NOTE The Settings tab can be password-protected. If this device is on a
network, always consult with the system administrator before changing settings
on this tab.
Networking tab Network administrators can use this tab to control network-related settings for the device
when it is connected to an IP-based network. This tab does not appear if the device is
130 Chapter 10 Manage and maintain the device ENWW