Expired – This is a book you previously borrowed from your friend but did not return. After 14 days it is automatically
returned and marked "Expired".
Lent – This is a book that is currently lent to a friend. You cannot read this book while this is lent.
Use the eReader
Page through a publication
Tap on the right side of the screen or swipe right to left to page forward, and tap on the left side of the screen or
swipe left to right to page backwards.
Use the eReader menu bars
When you first open a publication, the eReader menu bars are shown at the top and the bottom of the screen for a
few seconds. Tap in the middle of the screen to display the eReader menu bars again for several seconds.
Read books and other documents from an SD card
Read books in .epub and .pdf formats
1. Load the book file onto an SD card, and insert the SD card into the HP eStation Zeen.
2. Touch the Files app.
3. Locate the book file by swiping your finger up or down on the screen to see the SD card contents.
4. Touch the book file you want to read.
Read documents in other formats
NOTE: If your document is in one of the following formats, use these instructions to read it using the Quick
Office app (instead of the eReader): .doc, .docx, .docm, .ppt, .pptx, .pps, .xls, .xlsx, .txt, .html, and .pdf.
1. Load the document file onto an SD card, and insert the SD card into the HP eStation Zeen.
2. Touch the QuickOffice app.
3. Touch SD Card.
4. Touch the document you want to read.
Swipe down and up with your finger to move through the document.
To make the text bigger or smaller, tap the screen to display the zoom +/- controls, then tap + or – to increase
or decrease the text size.
Read Adobe Digital Edition book formats
Many web sites distribute books to be read with Adobe Digital Editions, which can be downloaded and installed on
your PC for free from
Copy a book from your PC to your HP eStation Zeen
NOTE: You must use a mini-USB cable (purchased separately) to perform this procedure.
1. Open Adobe Digital Editions on your PC.
2. Insert an SD card into your HP eStation Zeen.
3. Connect the small end of the mini USB cable to your HP eStation Zeen, and the other end to your PC.
4. Touch the Notification area on the upper left of the screen, touch USB Connected, then touch Mount.
5. When the Device Setup Assistant screen appears in Adobe Digital Editions on your PC, click Authorize
Device, then click Finished when the success screen is displayed.
6. Your books are shown on the right side of the Adobe Digital Editions screen. Drag and drop a book to the HP
eStation Zeen shelf on the left side of the screen.
7. On your PC, use the Windows menus to safely remove the USB device.
8. On the HP eStation Zeen, touch the Notification area, touch Turnoff USB storage, then touch Turn Off.
Chapter 1
22 Online Topics
Online Topics