Portable Image product is installed and enabled on the blade server before the upgrade. After the
upgrade, PI will automatically modify the HP-UX network instance numbers of the new hardware
environment so that they match the pre-upgrade environment. This takes advantage of the VCM
interconnect stacking links to allow all of the Monarch Server network connections to function
correctly with no corrections needed in the original VC server profile.
Portable Image can be used on VC configured systems where the VC domain has selected Virtual
Connect assigned MAC addresses instead of the static, factory-default MAC addresses. If you
choose to use PI to assist the upgrade, there will be a pre-upgrade step to follow on the designated
Monarch Server and then another step to follow after the upgrade. These two steps are detailed
below but they must not be executed until they’re explicitly called for in the upgrade procedure
which is found in the section “Upgrading the existing server blade” which is located in this section.
Pre-Upgrade Procedure for PI
These instructions are to be executed on the designated Monarch Server with the OS booted.
1. You need to obtain the PI package if it’s not already installed.
a. First, check for it being already installed by executing the following command:
swlist|grep HPPortableImage
b. If nothing is returned, then the package must be installed now. Go to
www.software.hp.com and search for “HP Portable Image”. Follow the link for HP-UX
Portable Image in the product list and follow the instructions there for installing the depot.
2. If your HP-UX 11i v3 release is September 2010 or earlier, then you must install the GIO
cumulative patch before proceeding.
a. Go to the HP Support Center web page at http://www.hp.com/go/hpsc. The site requires
a quick registration.
b. Search for “PHKL_41525” using the Search: HP Support Center box and download the
c. Follow the patch link and execute the installation instructions found there.
3. Enable PI by executing the following command:
kctune gio_portable_image=1
You should see the following:
Tunable Value Expression Changes
gio_portable_image (before) 0 Default Immed
(now) 1 1
4. The PI state must be saved before starting the upgrade. This is done by explicitly executing
the PI save command:
/opt/network/bin/hpuxpitool -s
5. Dump the saved PI state to a text file for possible use later. Obtain the dump by executing the
following command:
/opt/network/bin/hpuxpitool –g
This will list out each network instance along with its pre-upgrade MAC address.
6. Shutdown the OS using a shutdown command.
Post-Upgrade Procedure for PI
1. Dump the new PI state to a file for possible use later. Obtain the dump by executing the
following command:
/opt/network/bin/hpuxpitool –g
This will list out each network instance along with its post-upgrade MAC address.
2. Disable PI by executing the following command:
kctune gio_portable_image=0
Installing internal components 85