IMPORTANT: The Operating System may need to be reinstalled on the upgraded server. This
will be explained later.
IMPORTANT: If you will be using HP-UX, review the HP-UX errata documentation that is listed at
the following url:
Minimum firmware versions
A minimum set of firmware is required for the blades and blade enclosures involved in the upgrade.
Firmware on the server blades, the enclosure HP Onboard Administrator, and the HP Virtual
Connect Manager (if Virtual Connect interconnect modules are installed) must be updated to at
least the minimum firmware level. Every blade in the upgrade must be at the same firmware level.
IMPORTANT: Any required updates must be checked for and completed during the upgrade
Minimum Firmware LocationMinimum Firmware VersionProduct Name(s)
Go to hp.com —> Support & Drivers
—> enter product name —> select
21.08HP Integrity BL860c i2 Server Blade
HP Integrity BL870c i2 Server Blade
operating system —> “Cross operating
HP Integrity BL890c i2 Server Blade
Go to hp.com —> Support & Drivers
—> enter product name
3.21HP BladeSystem Onboard
Go to hp.com —> Support & Drivers
—> enter Interconnect Module product
3.15HP BladeSystem c-Class Virtual
Determining your current firmware revisions
Server blade
1. Log into the system iLO 3 MP.
2. From the Main Menu, enter cm to access the Command Menu
3. Enter sr to view the system FW revisions.
Hewlett-Packard Integrated Lights-Out 3 for Integrity
(C) Copyright 1999-2010 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
MP Host Name: ilo002264fee2de
iLO MP Firmware Revision 01.41.01
A default MP user Administrator/Admin is currently configured
and remote access is enabled. Modify the default password or
delete the default user (see UC command)
Disable all types of remote access (see SA command)
CO: Console
VFP: Virtual Front Panel
CM: Command Menu
CL: Console Log
SL: Show Event Logs
HE: Main Help Menu
68 Optional components