12 Cluster Platform 6000
This chapter contains information that applies only to Cluster Platform 6000 systems.
12.1 Network Boot Operation and Imaging Failures on HP Integrity
rx2600 Systems
An underlying issue in the kernel is causing MAC addresses on HP Integrity rx2600 systems to
be set to all zeros (for example,, which results in network boot and imaging failures.
To work around this issue, enter the following commands on the head node to network boot
and image an rx2600 system:
1. Prepare the node to network boot:
# setnode --resync node_name
2. Turn off power to the node:
# stopsys --hard node_name
3. Start the imaging and boot process:
# startsys --image_and_boot node_name
12.2 Notes That Apply To The Management Processor
This section describes limitations with the management processor (MP) that are expected to be
resolved when a new firmware version is available.
12.2.1 Required Task: Change MP Settings on Console Switches
Perform this task before invoking the discover command.
In order for the discovery process to work correctly using the MP in DHCP mode, you must
increase the amount of time the console switches hold MAC addresses. Increase this value from
the default of 300 seconds to 1200 seconds. Make this change only on the console switches in the
system, typically the ProCurve 26xx series.
From the ProCurve prompt, enter the configuration mode and set the mac-age-time parameter,
as follows:
# config
(config)# mac-age-time 1200
12.2.2 MP Disables DHCP Automatically
A known limitation exists with the MP firmware that causes the MP to disable DHCP
To work around this issue, the HP XC software performs the discovery phase with DHCP enabled.
You must then perform a procedure to change the addresses on all MPs in the system to use the
address received from DHCP as a static address.
For more information on how to perform this procedure, contact the HP XC Support Team at
12.2.3 Finding the IP Address of an MP
Because the IP addresses for the MPs are being set statically for this release, if a node must be
replaced, you must set the IP address for the MP manually when the node is replaced.
To find the IP address, look up the entry for the MP in the /etc/dhcpd.conf file. The MP
naming convention for the node is cp-node_name .
12.1 Network Boot Operation and Imaging Failures on HP Integrity rx2600 Systems 41