
Index 54
interface adapter, decommissioning 44
interface adapter, installing 13
Japanese notice 51
keyboard language, changing 33
kit contents 6
Korean notices 51
loading interface adapter firmware 42
local port operation 17
logging in to the HP KVM Server Console Switch
G2 29
managing routine tasks for servers 21
managing server tasks 37
Menu dialog box 22
modes, Switch and Share 31, 32
modifications, FCC notice 49
modifying device types 35
Names dialog box 36
OSCAR, selecting and setting the hot key
command 23
OSCAR, setting the interface language 33
OSD, managing server tasks 37
OSD, navigation keys 20
overview of installation process 6
password protecting the console switch 29
password, changing 29
Port column, viewing 18
rack mounting, console switch 7
regulatory compliance identification numbers 48
regulatory compliance notices 48
removing servers, scan list 27
required items not included 6
required tools 6
resetting devices 40
routine tasks, managing for servers 21
running system diagnostics 38
Scan dialog box 26, 27, 28
scan list, adding servers 27
Scan mode, activating 28
Scan mode, deactivating 28
scan pattern, setting up 26
screen delay time 23
screen saver mode, activating without password
protection 31
Screen Saver mode, exiting 31
screen saver, deactivating 31
Security dialog box 28, 29, 31
selecting servers 19
selecting the display order of servers 22
selecting the keyboard language 33
server names 36
server status 19
server, soft switching 19, 20
servers, selecting 19
servers, viewing 18
setting local console switch security 28, 29, 31
setting password protection 29
setting the OSCAR interface language 33
setting the Switch and Share modes 32
setting up a scan pattern 26
Share mode 31
side-mount 9
soft switching 19, 20
standard-mount (1U) 7
status flag, controlling 23
Switch mode 31
system diagnostics 38
technical support 47
troubleshooting 45
versions, displaying 40
viewing, port column 18
viewing, server status 19