
28 Appendix A—Productivity tools
HP Embedded Web Server for network users and Macintosh
For network users and Macintosh operating systems users, the device features an embedded Web server,
which allows access to information about device and network activities. A Web server provides an
environment in which Web programs may run, much in the same way that an operating system, such as
Macintosh, provides an environment for programs to run on your computer. The output from these programs
can then be displayed by a Web browser, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer, Safari, or Netscape
An embedded Web server resides on a hardware device (such as a printer) or in firmware, rather than as
software that is loaded on a network server. The advantage of an embedded Web server is that it provides
an interface to the device to anyone with a network-connected computer and a standard Web browser or
to Macintosh users connected via USB.
The HP Embedded Web Server allows you to view device and network status and manage printing
functions from your computer. With the HP Embedded Web Server, you can do the following:
View device status information
View and change tray configurations
View and change some fields of the device control panel menu configuration
View and print internal pages
Add or customize links to other Web sites
Select the language in which to display the embedded Web server pages
View and change network configuration
View support content that is device-specific and specific to the device’s current state
Note For a complete explanation of the features and functionality of the HP Embedded Web Server, see
the HP Embedded Web Server online Help.
Accessing the HP Embedded Web Server
You can access the HP Embedded Web Server in the following ways:
From a Web browser
In a supported Web browser on your computer, type the IP address assigned to the device. For
example:, if the device’s IP address is 123.456.789.123, you would type “http://123.456.789.123”
into your Web browser’s Address or Go to field. (The device IP address is listed on the Network
Configuration page.)
From HP Web Jetadmin
From the Device Configuration application over USB
Note After you access the HP Embedded Web Server, you can bookmark it in your browser so that you
can return to it quickly in the future.