Enhancements in Release F.02.11
The Show Tech Command for Listing Switch Configuration and Operating Details
1. In Hyperterminal, click on Transfer | Capture Text...
Figure 80. The Capture Text window of the Hypertext Application Used with Microsoft Windows Software
2. In the
File field, enter the path and file name under which you want to store the show tech output.
Figure 81. Example of a Path and Filename for Creating a Text File from show tech Output
3. Click
[Start] to create and open the text file.
4. Execute
show tech:
HP2512# show tech
a. Each time the resulting listing halts and displays -- MORE -- , press the Space bar to
resume the listing.
b. When the CLI prompt appears, the show tech listing is complete. At this point, click on
Transfer | Capture Text | Stop in HyperTerminal to stop copying data into the text file created in
the preceding steps.
Remember to do the above step to stop HyperTerminal from copying into the text file. Otherwise,
the text file remains open to receiving additional data from the HyperTerminal screen.
5. To access the file, open it in Microsoft Word, Notepad, or a similar text editor.