
Non-Fault Activated Problems:
Problem / Symptom Reason - Correction
Check the wiring at the 24 VAC breaker for a short or loose
Disconnect the contractor coil from the circuit and repeat. If 24-volt
breaker doesn’t blow, replace the contractor.
24 VAC circuit breaker trips as soon as power switch is turned “on”.
Replace the main circuit board.
Disconnect fill valve from electrical circuit. If circuit breaker doesn’t
trip, replace the fill valve.
24 VAC circuit breaker trips after the unit is turned on for about 15
Replace the main circuit board
Disconnect drain valve from electrical circuit. If circuit breaker doesn’t
trip, replace the drain valve.
Remove the drain valve and insure that it is clean and free of any
obstructing mineral deposits.
24 VAC Circuit breaker trips whenever the drain valve activates
Replace the main circuit board.
Check power supply.
Check circuit breaker.
Check connector J1 on the circuit board and insure that it is plugged
into the circuit board properly and that no wires are loose.
Insure that there is 24 VAC between pole #9 and #11 connector J1. If
not, check wiring.
Place jumper between controls terminal strip #1 and #2. If unit
operates, check controls settings and wiring (control stat, limit stat, air
proving switch.)
Humidifier turned on but will not operate. Power lamp is “off”.
Check door interlock.
Check external shutoff valves and open if closed.
Check strainer and fill valve for clogs. Turn adjusting screw (fig. 9,
page 10)
Check fill valve coil to determine if it is receiving 24 VAC. If so, replace
the valve.
Unit turned “on”. Contractor pulled in, but no water is entering the
Check for break in wiring.
Check drain valve and insure that when it activates it drains freely.
Clean if necessary. Replace valve if defective.
Check water supply. If it is softened, increase the drain threshold pot,
“% adj.” (R18), up to 92%. (See Figure 12)
Use high conductivity settings if water supply is very hard, >750
Unit filling slower or at the same rate as the water is boiling, causing
over concentration and foaming. Check restriction in fill line. Adjust
the metering fill valve to allow greater flow of water. ( See Figure 9)
Have water analyzed. If iron content is greater than .1 mg/1, a filter
will have to be used.
Excessive arcing in cylinder
Consult factory with water analysis
Check between Test Point #3 and ground with a multimeter set on
VDC scale. Confirm the circuit board is seeing low current flow (<2.8
VDC). Proceed to next step.
If on initial fill, unit reaches less than 70% of rated capacity (2.8 VDC
on Test Point #3), adjust the drain threshold pot, “% adj.” (R18), down
2-3%. Manually drain the unit down completely and add ½ Alka
Seltzer tablet via the fill tee (GT-120). (See “Note” after item #9 on
page 10.) Restart the unit while monitoring the amp draw. Fill unit ¼
full and turn “off” for several minutes to allow tablets to dissolve.
Restart unit. If amperage rises rapidly, it may be necessary to dilute
the water. If amperage rises slowly, add another Alka-Seltzer tablet.
Check that drain valve is sealing properly.
Unit fills to the cylinder full condition and remains cold.
Check the water conductivity and consult the factory.
Check cylinder fill interface connections.
Check cylinder connections (See Figure #11)
Check items in next troubleshooting tip concerning foaming.
Unit turned on a cycles for a short period of time. Then it stops in the
middle of a fill cycle and won’t reset until boiling stops.
Check amperage between cylinder full electrode and cylinder full
interface terminal #1. If it is greater than 7.0 mA AC is is, take a fill
water sample and consult the factory.