Application Electrodes
1. Aquarium HI1332B, HI1911B
2. Bath-water HI 1910B, HI1130B
3. Beer HI1131B
4. Bread HI 2031B, FC200B
5. Cheese FC200B
6. Dairy products FC911B, FC100B
7. Dirty water HI1910B, HI1912B
8. Emulsions HI1053B
9. Environment HI1230B
10. Flasks HI1331B
11. Food industry general use FC911B, FC100B
12. Fruit FC 200B, FC 220B
13. Fruit juices, organic FC210B
14. Galvanizing waste solution HI1130B, HI1912B
15. Heavy-duty applications HI 1135B
16. High purity water HI1053B
17. Horticulture HI1053B, FC200B
18. In-line applications HI1134B, HI 1135B, HI2114B, HI2910B
19. Laboratory general use HI 1131B, HI1230B, HI1332B, HI1330B
20. Leather HI1413B
21. Lemon juice FC100B
22. Meat FC200B, HI 2031B
23. Micro plate sampling of less than HI1083B
100 mL
24. Milk and Yogurt FC210B
25. Paints HI1053B
26. Paper HI1413B
27. Photographic chemicals HI1230B
28. Quality control HI1332B
29. Sausages FC200B, HI2031B
30. Semisolid products HI2031B
31. Skin HI 1413B
32. Soil samples HI1230B
33. Solvents HI 1043B
34. Strong acid HI 1043B
35. Submersion application HI 1130B
36. Surface measurements HI 1413B
37. Swimming pool H I1130B, HI2114B, HI 2910B
38. Titrations with constant HI1131B
temperature range
39. Titrations with wide temperature HI1131B
40. Very high humidity FC 911B, HI 1912B, HI 1911B
41. Vials and test tube HI 1330B
42. Wine processing FC220B