G8027 1 HP Dust Collector -19-
G2525—Dust Collection Basics
This incisive book skillfully guides the wood
worker through all the steps necessary in
the design and construction of an efficient cen
tral dust collection system and tells you what
you need to know for easy installation. The
text offers practical hints and techniques and
takes the mystery, misery and hype away from
a subject that should be as clear as the air you
breathe. Fifty pages of concise, carefully illus-
trated text. A MUST!
H2443—Universal Adapter
Seven-step adapter provides a multitude of dust
collection reducing options. Simply cut away
unneeded steps with a hacksaw. Outside diam
eter step sizes include 1”, 2”, 2-1/2”, 3”, 4”, 5” and
6”. Wall thickness is 1/8”.
G3181—Dust Collection Kit #1
Designed for a one machine hook-up, kit #1
comes complete with installation instructions
and an accessories list for expanding your
dust collection system in the future. Acessories
• (1) G1536 4" x 10' Hose
• (1) G1838 Universal Dust Hood
• (2) G2974 Wire Hose Clamps
Figure 22. Model G3181 Dust Collection Kit.
Figure 23. Model G2525 Dust Collection Basics.
Figure 21.
Model H2443 universal adapter.
G4679—Grounding Kit
Eliminate potential hazards by dissipating static
charges. Kit includes 50' of 14-gauge bare cop
per wire, electrical connectors, grounding screws,
terminal ends and instructions.
Figure 24. Model G4679 Grounding Kit.