Model G0747/G0748 (Mfg. Since 8/12)
For optimum performance from your machine,
follow this maintenance schedule and refer to any
specific instructions given in this section.
To maintain a low risk of injury and proper
machine operation, if you ever observe any of the
items below shut the machine down immediately,
disconnect it from power, and fix the problem
before continuing operations.
• Loose mounting bolts or fasteners.
• Worn, frayed, cracked, or damaged wires.
• Missing belt guards.
• Reduction in braking speed or efficiency.
• Any other unsafe condition.
Before Beginning Operations
• Turn the spindle direction switch to the off
(middle) position to prevent spindle startup
when connected to power (see Page 23).
• Move the spindle speed range selector to
the manual (forward) position to prevent the
spindle from unexpectedly auto-downfeeding
when rotation is started (see Page 38).
• Make sure the X-axis power feed is turned
OFF to prevent unintentional table movement
when connected to power (see Page 28).
• Perform lubrications tasks as directed in the
Lubrication section on Page 44.
• Check table movement in all three axes
directions for loose/tight gibs. Adjust the gibs
if necessary (see Page 51).
To reduce risk of shock or
accidental startup, always
disconnect machine from
power before adjustments,
maintenance, or service.
Daily, After Operations
• Disconnect the machine from power.
• Vacuum/clean all chips and swarf from table,
slides, and base.
• Wipe down all unpainted or machined sur-
faces with a good quality rust preventative.
Regular cleaning is one of the most important
steps in taking good care of this mill. Each opera-
tor is responsible for cleaning the machine imme-
diately after using it or at the end of the day. We
recommend that the cleaning routine be planned
into the workflow schedule, so that adequate time
is set aside to do the job right.
Typically, the easiest way to clean swarf from the
ways and table is to use a wet/dry shop vacuum
that is dedicated for this purpose only. The small
chips leftover after vacuuming can be wiped up
with a slightly oiled rag. Avoid using compressed
air to blow off chips, as this may drive them deep-
er into moving surfaces and could cause sharp
chips to fly into your face or hands.
Besides the ways and elevation leadscrew, all
other unpainted and machined surfaces should
be wiped down daily to keep them rust-free and in
top condition. This includes any surface that could
be vulnerable to rust if left unprotected (this espe-
cially includes any parts that may be exposed to
water soluble cutting fluids). Typically with these
parts, a thin film of oil is all that is necessary for
Keep tables rust-free with regular applications of
products like G96
Gun Treatment, SLIPIT
, or
T-9 (see Section 5: Accessories on
Page 42 for more details).
Cleaning &