308443 25
Repair Kit Matrix
For Husky 1040 Acetal, Polypropylene, and PVDF Pumps, Series A
Repair Kits may be ordered separately. To repair the air valve, order Part No. 236273 for aluminum center housing
models and Part 255061 for stainless steel center housing models (see page 26). Parts included in the Air Valve
Repair Kit are marked with a symbol in the parts list, for example (3).
To repair your pump, select the six digits which describe your pump from the following matrix, working from left to
right. The first digit is always D, the second digit is always 0 (zero), and the third is always 7. The remaining three
digits define the materials of construction. Parts included in the kit are marked with an asterisk in the parts list, for
example (201*). For example, if your pump has polypropylene seats, PTFE balls, and PTFE diaphragms, order
Repair Kit D 0 7 9 1 1. If you only need to repair certain parts (for example, the diaphragms), use the 0 (null)
digits for the seats and balls, and order Repair Kit D 0 7 0 0 1. The digits in the matrix do not correspond to the
ref. nos. in the parts drawing and lists on pages 26 to 27.
Pump Null
Fluid Section
Material – Seats Balls Diaphragms
D (for all pumps) 0 (for all pumps) 7 (Plastic) – 0 (null) 0 (null) 0 (null)
– 1 (not used) 1 (PTFE) 1 (PTFE)
– 2 (acetal) 2 (acetal) 2 (not used)
– 3 (316 sst) 3 (316 sst) 3 (not used)
– 4 (17–4 PH sst) 4 (440C sst) 4 (not used)
– 5 (TPE) 5 (TPE) 5 (TPE)
– 6 (Santoprener) 6 (Santoprener) 6 (Santoprener)
– 7 (buna–N) 7 (buna-N) 7 (buna-N)
– 8 (fluoroelastom-
8 (fluoroelastom-
8 (fluoroelastom-
– 9 (polypropylene) 9 (not used) 9 (not used)
– A (PVDF) A (not used) A (not used)
– G (Geolastr) G (Geolastr) G (Geolastr)