• For delicate rinse (lower pressure and higher flow), for gentle
cleaning of cars/trucks, boats, RV’s, patio furniture, lawn
equipment, etc., select white nozzle (Figure 15).
Figure 15 – Wash Pressure Nozzle (White)
• For general rinsing (medium pressure and medium flow), ideal for
most all purpose cleaning such as home siding, brick patios, wood
decks, driveways and sidewalks, garage floors, etc., select green
nozzle (Figure 16).
Figure 16 – Clean Pressure Nozzle (Green)
• For medium rinsing (higher pressure and medium flow), ideal
for removing stains on hard porous surfaces such as concrete
dirveways, garage floors and brick patios, select yellow nozzle
(Figure 17).
Figure 17 – Strip Pressure Nozzle (Yellow)
• For maximum rinsing (higher pressure and lower flow), for
stubborn or hard to reach surface such as second story surfaces,
paint removal, oil stains, rust removal or other stubborn substances
(tar, gum, grease, wax, etc.), select red nozzle (Figure 18).
This tip (Red Nozzle) can damage work surface if it is
too close or held in one position for an extended time.
Figure 18 – Blast Pressure Nozzle (Red)
• When applying detergent, use only the black nozzle (Figure 19).
Only use power washer safe detergents/soaps to help break down
stubborn dirt and grime on a variety of surfaces.
Figure 19 – Detergent Nozzle (Black)
Chemicals can cause bodily injury, and/or property
• NEVER use caustic liquid with power washer.
• Use ONLY power washer safe detergents/soaps. Follow all
manufacturer's instructions.
To apply detergent, follow these steps:
1. Review use of nozzles.
2. Open container cap (if so equipped, Figure 20).
3. Prepare detergent solution as required by job.