What to do if a Flame-Up Occurs
To control flame-ups, set heat setting at LO, rather
than off (0). If you have a bad flame-up and there
is danger of the fire spreading, take the following
steps immediately:
1. Turn the grill controls to off (0), and turn the
downdraft vent control to HI. If you are using an
overhead updraft vent hood, turn it off until the
flame-up stops.
2. Use a long-handled utensil to remove the food from
the grill. Be careful not to get burned.
Water will spread the flames.
QNever line the grill grate or the porcelain enamel
grease well with aluminum foil. Doing so may
block drainageof grease, causing excessive
smoking, fire or component damage.
● It is recommended that you have a dry chemical,
foam or Halon type fire extinguisher where you can
easily reach it in case of a cooking fire.
The fire should start to go out. If it does not, smother
● Never try to use charcoal or flavored wood chips
the flames by covering the entiregrill with a large
in the well under the grill grate. Use of charcoal
cookie sheet, the lid from a large roastingpan or
indoors without proper ventilation produces
carbon monoxide that can be fatal. Also, burning
charcoal in the well will permanently damage the
porcelain coating in the well.
c NEVER LEAVE THE KITCHEN while grilling
meats or other juicy foods. Fats and juices drip
on the hot grill element and may cause flame-ups.
When grilling, you should always be present to
control flame-ups so they do not get out of hand.
How to Assemble the Grill Module
To insert the grill:
4. Place the grill grate into the opening in the cooktop
1. Be sure both the controls for the grill are OFF.
over the ~till element.
2. Place the drip pan in the ~wase well first as shown
5. Be certain the grease jar is clean and firmly secured
in the illustration in this section.
in the tube and lid assembly under the porcelain
3. Grasp the till element with both hands near the
enamel grease well.
plug. Keeping the element as nearly horizontal as
possible, push the plug firmly into the electrical
receptacles, to insure complete contact. The element
should lie flat and rest on the ridges of the drip pan.