Com/ectlon Baking
I,l?d[ Oven
How to set
the oven.Jbr
Oven Mode knob
Convection Baldn,, is ideal for evenb browned
baked _bods cooked on ,sinole_ or multiple racks,
\\lien set on Convection Bake, the rear bake
element and the fire operate whenever the oven
is heating.
Turn tlle Oven Mode knob to CONV BAIZE/
1 IL¢CK (Com:ecfion Bake 1-Rack mode) tot
1-rack convection baldng. This mode is used
for cooldng tbod items on only 1 rack in
comection bake.
Turn tlle Oven Mode knob to CONV
BAIZE/MUlTI ((_omectkm Bake Multi
mode) fi)rmulti-rack convection baking.
This mode is used fi)rcooldng fi)od items on
mo*e than one rack (i.e. 2, 3 or more racks)
at tlle same time in Convection Bake. See tlle
,\hdl i-rack conve( tion balding'section fist more
Using tile Temperature knob, set tlle desired
temperature, in 25°F increments, fi'om 200°F
to :)a0 K
Type of Food Rack Position
Biscuits (1 rack) B or C
Biscuits (2 racks) A & C or B & D
Mullins and Cup(akes (l rack) B or C
Msdlins and Cupcakes (2 racks) A & C or B & D
Cookies (1 rack) B or C
Cookies (3 racks) A, C & E
2-I_aver Cakes (1 ra(k) B or C
4-I_aver Cakes (2 racks) A & C or B & D
1 Frozen Pie (l rack) B or C
on eooMe sheet)
2 Frozen Pies (2 racks) A & C or B & D
on cooMe sheet)
Cass(roles (l ra(k) B or C
12" Frozen Pizza (1 ratk) B or C
2-12" Frozen Pizzas (2 racks) A & C or B & D
Roasting (large cuts of meat, A, B or C
turkeys, etc.)
NOTE: These rack positions are suggestions--
use racks _dlich give best results. Racl<s A and D
•/re allothel" stl *_*estion
500 " _ ' 400
Tlle oxen and tlle oven interior lights *rill mrn
(m immediatel} and sta} on until tlle oxen is
turned off.
Tile convection tim will mrn on (after a
short delay), tlle PREHEAT light will turn
on and ] 00°F will appear ill tlle display.
(The temperature display will start to change
once the o\vn temperatm'e reaches 100°K)
Tile control will beep when tile oven is
i)reheated--this will take approxhnately 10 to
15 minutes. Tile PREHEAT light will turn off
and tlle disi)lay will show tile set temperature.
When tlle PREHEAT light goes off; [)lace ii)od
ill tile (wen.
Check tlle fl)od fiw aloneness at tlle minimum
time on the redpe. Cook longer if necessary.
l_ Tm'n tlle ()\vn Mode knob and tile
Tempeiamre knob to OFF when convection
cooldng is finished.
NOTE: A cooling tim will turn 1111[O cool internal
parts. This is mmnal, and tlle fire ma} continue to
1"{511 evesl ai[eF tile ovesl is tHFned off.
The ovenhas5 rackpositions.SeetheFullextensionovenracks
sectionfor howto use,removeand replacetheracks.