Z Series RO System by GE Osmonics
5.14 RO Fails To Draw Disinfectant
1. Disinfect Inlet Valve Closed
a. Open valve.
2. Housing On Submersible Pump Contains Air
a. Purge air, see cleaning or disinfect procedure.
3. Disinfect Line Kinked Or Plugged
a. Clear disinfect line.
4. Air Leak On Disinfect Draw Line
a. Tighten fittings.
b. Check O-ring in Disinfect Inlet Valve.
5. Motor Fails To Turn On
a. Disinfect key switch inoperative.
b. Remote monitor (if equipped) key switch not turned.
c. D.A.M. (if equipped) timer not timed out.
d. See 5.1.
6. Solenoid Failure In Open Position (Fluid Level In Tank Will Increase)
a. See 5.4.
5.15 Product Divert Controller and Valve Malfunction
1. Connections
a. Ensure the Product Divert Controller power cord is connected to the appropriate
b. Check outlet and circuit breaker/fuse panel for power.
c. Verify the wire lead connections inside the Product Divert Controller, and to the
Divert Valve and RO controller are correctly and securely attached. Reference the
wire connection diagrams in Chapter 6 for a visual description of wire connection
locations. Restore connections as required.
d. Check fuse and relay, replace as necessary.
2. Divert Valve
b. Verify correct valve movement.
c. Verify the divert valve is operational using separate power source. Replace valve
as necessary.
3. Indicator
a. Verify the indicator lamp has not burnt out with a continuity check across the
terminal connections. Replace indicator as necessary.
1238339b – 16Oct03 5 - 11 Troubleshooting