• 128 Channels in -
8 Modes of 16 Channels each
4 Modes of 32 Channels each
• Carrier Control Timer (per mode basis)*
• Channel Guard - Tone or Digital*
• Channel Frequencies*
• Home Channel Revert
• Auxiliary Relay Control
Depending on the control unit used a single rotary or
pushbutton selector switch will select up to 16 channels. In
radios equipped with more than 16 channels, the control
unit contains a MODE A/B switch. The MODE switch al-
lows the user to select a second set of 16 channels (17-32).
The MODE A/B switch may be used to provide mobile-
to-mobile communications through an intermediate repeater
(repeated path) or direct mobile-to-mobile communications.
For example: channel 1 Mode A may be programmed for
the repeater frequency (repeated path) while channel l Mode
B would be programmed for the mobile receive frequency
(direct path). Judicious programming will allow selection of
repeated or direct communications paths on selected chan-
A hand held microphone with a built-in transistorized
microphone preamplifier is available for use with the radio.
The microphone is housed in a sturdy twopiece case, and
the extendable coiled cord plugs into the microphone jack at
the k of the control unit. The plug is secured to the jack by a
retaining screw.
An optional telephone-type hand set is available for use
with the radio. The handset uses a dynamic microphone
with a built-in microphone preamplifier. The extendable
coiled cord plugs into the microphone jack on the back of
the control unit, and is secured to the jack by a retaining
* These functions are actually performed in the radio. If
you down-load, the data is stored in the control unit.
In Channel Guard or other tone applications, a micro-
phone or handset hookswitch is supplied with the radio. The
hookswitches are equipped with a Channel Guard disable
Placing the switch in the "up" position (towards the
small speaker symbol) disables the Channel Guard decoder.
With the switch in the "down" position, the Channel Guard
is disabled when the microphone or handset is removed
from the hookswitch.
A three by five-inch speaker contained in a molded plas-
tic housing provides an audio output of 12 watts with a
speaker impedance of four ohms. The speaker leads are ter-
minated in Vehicle Systems Plug P3 which connects to
Jl-A on the rear of the control unit.
After the radio has been installed (as described in the In-
stallation Manual), the following adjustments should be
made by a certified electronics technician.
The transmitter adjustments include measuring the for-
ward and reflected power and optimizing the antenna
length, then setting the transmitter to rated power output.
Next, measuring the frequency and modulation and record-
ing these measurements for future reference. For the com-
plete transmitter adjustment, refer to the Alignment
Procedure in the service section of this manual.
The initial adjustment for the receiver includes tuning
the input circuit to match the antenna. Refer to the Front
End Alignment Procedures in the service section of this
Complete operating instructions for the Two-Way Radio
are provided in the Operator’s Manual. The basic proce-
dures for receiving and transmitting messages in mobile
combinations are as follows: