Cleaning the glass cooktop.(o,somemodels)
Clean the glass surface with cleaning cream before you use the cooktop for the first time.Also, clean
the glass surface after each use. This helps protect the top and makes clean-up easier.
Toclean the cooktop seal around the edge of the glass, let a wet cloth rest on # for a few minutes, then wipe clean.
Use a mild detergent if needed.
Do not use a knife or any sharp object on the seal because # will cut or damage it.
Normal Cleaning
Use only a recommended cleaning cretan, []
such as Cerama Brite or another cooktop
cleaning cretan, on the glass cooktop. _]
To maintain and protect tim suKhce of
your new glass cooktop follow these steps.
Before you use tim cooktop for the
first time, clean it _4fll cleaning
cream. This helps protect the top
and makes clean-up easier.
Clean tim suKhce _ifll tim cleaning
cretan after each use.
Rub a few drops (less is better) of the
cleaning cretan onto soiled area
using a dmnp paper towel. Buff_4th
a dU paper towel until all soil and
cream are relnoved.
Using a razor scraper will not
damage the surface if the 45° angle
is maintained.
For Heavy, Burned-On Soil...
[_ Allow the cooktop to cool.
Apply a few drops of cleaning
cream to the cool, soiled area.
Spread the cream across the entire
soiled area.
Hold scraper at a 45 ° angle against
the glass ceramic surfilce. This 45 °
angle makes the scraping easier.
Scrape soil with the enclosed razor
scraper. Keep slnall amount of
cream on the soil asyou scrape.
Heavily soiled areas may require
repeated applications of cream. It
will be necessa U to press clown on
the razor scraper while scraping the
soiled area with cooktop cream.
Besureto usea newsharprazorscraper.
Donot usea dull or nickedblade.
If any soil remains, repeat the
steps listed above.
To order more cream and/or scrapers
for cleaning your glass cooktop, please
call our toll-flee number:
NationalPartsCenter ...... 800-626-2002
Cleaner .................. # WXIOX300
Scraper .................. # WX5X1614
Cream& scraperkit ....... # WB64X5027
you arecookinghighsugar
mixturessuchasjelly or
fudgeandhavea spillover,
unlessthespillover is
Special Care for Sugary Spills
Besuretousea newsharprazorscraper.
Donotusea dull ornickedblade.
Sugmy spillovers (such asjellies, fudge,
candy syrups) or melted plastics can
cause pitting of the surface of your
cooktop (not covered by the warranty)
unless the spill is removed while still
hot. Special careshouldbe takenwhen
Turn off all surf)tce units afIected
by the spillover. Remove hot pans.
Wearing an oven mitt, hold the
razor scraper at a 45 ° angle to the
cooktop. Scrape the hot spill to a
cool area outside the surf_tce unit.
With the spill in a cool area, use a
(hy paper towel to remove any
excess. Any spillover remaining
should be left until the surf_lce of
the cooktop has cooled. Do not
continue to use the soiled surface
unit until all of the spillover has
been relnoved. Follow the steps
under Heaw Burned-On Soil to
continue the cleaning process.
NOTE:If pots with a thinoverlayof aluminum,
copperorenamelareallowedtoboil dry,the
overlaymaybondwith theglasscooktopand
or thediscolorationmaybepermanent.