Entering a name _________________________________
Whenever you register a fax number or a telephone number, you can assign a name to
that number. To enter a name from the operation panel, you use the numeric buttons to
create alphanumeric characters.
Each button has a certain letter group plus a digit assigned to it; an uppercase set
followed by a lowercase set of characters and then a digit. Each press of the button
steps to the next character in the group.
Use the chart below to determine which number to press for each character:
To enter Press this numeric button
0 0
1 1
ABCabc 2 2
DEFdef 3 3
GHIghi 4 4
JKLjkl 5 5
MNOmno 6 6
PQRSpqrs 7 7
TUVtuv 8 8
WXYZwxyz 9 9
– .
# ! “ , ; : ^ ` _ = / | ‘ ? $ @ %
& + ( ) [ ] { } < >
❚ First press the numeric button corresponding to the character you want.
❚ Press the numeric button repeatedly until the character you want appears in the
display. For example, to enter BIG 1:
Press the appropriate numeric button repeatedly until the desired character appears.
B Press 2 twice.
The next character is in a different group, so simply press the new group’s
numeric button—the cursor moves automatically. Press the numeric button
repeatedly to display the desired character.
BI Press 4 three times.
The next character is in the same group, so press [ ] to move the cursor to the
right first. Then press the numeric button repeatedly.
BIG Press [ ] once. Then, press 4 once.
The next character is a space. Simply press [SPACE].
BIG _ Press [SPACE] once.
Ch2.2 6/25/97, 2:41 PM34