Usingthe dehumidifier.
Always make sure the water bucket is locked into place on the dehumidifier.
Removing Collected Water
Thereare2 waystoremovecollected water."
[] Usethebucket"_&hen the bucket isremoxed,
the unit will shut off. Erupt' and replace the
IMPORTANT"Donot usethehoseif usingthe
buckettocollect water. Whenthehoseis
connected,water will flow throughit ontothe
floorinsteadof intothebucket.
• Donotremovethebucket whilethe
dehumidifieris operatingor if it hasjust
stoppedoperating.Thismight causesome
water to drip fromthe drainpan.
• Thebucketmustbe in place andsecurely
seatedfor thedehumidifiertooperate.
Use a hose. _&'ater can be automaticall_
emptied into a floor drain by attaching
a garden water hose (not included).
1. Remove tile bucket fl'om tile fl'ont of
tile unit.
2. Open tile drain cover on tile side of
tile unit.
3. Thread a garden hose (not supplied) onto
tile nozzle, cut to length, and lead it to tile
floor drain.
4. Replace tile bucket in tile unit.
NOTE:Thebucketmustbein place andsecurely
seatedfor thedehumidifiertooperate.
Water Level
The deh tunidifier will tui'n off a utomaticall_
when tile bucket is fldl, or when tile bucke{ is
remoxed or not replaced in tile proper position.
Thebucketmustbe replacedin theproperpositionfor
thedehumidifierto work. Thelightwill be on and the
dehumidifierwill not runff thebucketis notin the
proper position.