Usingthe dehumidifier, c rplia,oos.oom
When first using the dehumidifier, operate the unit continuously for 24 hours.
How the Behumidifier Operates Automatic Defrost
Moist, humid Giris drGwnover a cold refrigerGted
dehumidifying coil. Moisture in the Gircondenses on
this coil and drains into a bucket (orthrough
a hose and drain).
Dry, clean air is drawn through the condenser where
it is heated and discharged out the top grille into the
It is normal for thesurroundingair to becomeslightly
warmeras the dehumidifieroperates.
When frost builds up on the evaporator coils, the
compressor will cycle off and the fan will continue to
run until the frost disappears.
When the coil is defrosted, the compressor or fan will
automatically restart and dehumidifying will resume.
Choosing a Location
A dehumidifier operating in a basement will have little
or no effect in drying an adjacent enclosed storage
area, such as a closet, unlessthere isadequate
circulation of air in and out of the area.
DOnotuse outdoors.
Thisdehumidifieris intendedfor indoorresidential
appficationsonly.Thb dehumidifiershould notbe
usedfor commercialorindustrial appfications.
[] Placethe dehumidifierona smooth,level floorstrong
enoughto supportthe unit with a furlbucket of water.
[] Allow at least 12-18inchesof airspace on allsides of
the unitfor good air circulation.
[] Placethe dehumidifierin anarea where the
temperaturewillnot fall below 41°F(5°C).Thecoils
can becomecovered with frost attemperatures
below 41°F,which mayreduce performance.
[] Usethe dehumidifierin cooking,laundry,bathing
anddishwashingareasthathave excessivemoisture.
NOTE"Placethe dehumidifieraway
fromthe clothesdryer.
[] Usethe dehumidifiertopreventmoisture damage
anywherebooksor valuablesarestored.
[] Usethe dehumidifierin a basementto helpprevent
moisture damage.
[] Thedehumidifiermust be operatedin an enclosed
areato bemost effective.
Closeall doors,windows andother outsideopenings
to theroom.
12"-18" rnin. 12"-18" rain.
NOTE:Thedehumidifierhas rollersto aidplacement,
but it should onlybe rolled onsmooth,flatsurfaces.
Do not attemptto roll the dehumidifieron carpet or
over objects.