16 Overflow Line Connection
Rev A
Overflow Line Connection
(not used with 3-cycle filter system)
In the event of a malfunction, the regenerant TANK OVERFLOW will direct
“overflow” to the drain instead of spilling on the floor. This fitting should be
on the side of the cabinet or regenerant tank. Most tank manufacturers
include a post for the tank overflow connector.
To connect the overflow line, locate hole on side of tank. Insert overflow
fitting into tank and tighten with plastic thumb nut and gasket as shown
(Figure 5). Attach length of 1/2-inch (1.3-cm) I.D. tubing (not supplied) to
fitting and run to drain. Do not elevate overflow line higher than overflow
Do not tie into drain line of control unit. Overflow line must be a direct,
separate line from overflow fitting to drain, sewer or tub. Allow an air gap
as per drain line instructions.
Figure 5
Overflow Line Connection
Overflow Fitting
Drain Tubing
Air Gap
Secure hose in place