
Garmin G1000 Pilot’s Training Guide
190-00368-00 Rev. D
Exercise 5.2: Practice (Optional)
Using the G1000 PC-based simulator, power up the system.
1. Verify the Jeppesen database effective dates and note those dates in the space provided below.
2. Enter the transponder code “3470” and set the transponder to “ALT” mode.
3. In COM 1, enter 124.30 MHz as the active frequency and 133.00 MHz as the standby frequency.
4. In COM 2, enter 135.325 MHz as the active frequency and 118.90 MHz as the standby frequency.
Exercise 5.3: Audio Panel Operation
1. Which key should be used on the audio panel (GMA 1347) to monitor a COM radio frequency without using it to transmit
2. Describe how the split COM feature works and provide a sample scenario of its use.
3. Describe the function of the digital clearance recorder.
4. What purpose does the red button located at the bottom of the audio panel (GMA 1347) serve?
5. When the PILOT ICS key is pressed, can the other passengers in the aircraft communicate with each other via the inter
6. Does the COM MIC key selection have any impact on the display of the COM frequencies on the PFD or MFD?
7. You are flying a long cross-country flight and encounter bad weather. Another pilot is sitting in the right seat. You want
to get a weather update, but you are struggling to get on frequency and be heard because the ARTCC frequency is very
busy handling multiple reroutes. What tools are available to you to get the necessary weather information to continue
the flight?