28 GPSMAP 76Cx Owner’s Manual
MaIn paGeS
maps, “mapsource” appears below the scale.
Map Orientation
There are two map orientations in the Map Setup
option North Up orients the map like a paper map.
Track Up orients the map in the direction of travel.
Map Page Options
Stop (Resume) Navigation—stops/resumes
Recalculate—recalculates a route.
Data Fields—opens the Show sub menu so you
can select the number of data elds to show:
Map Only, 1 wide, 2, 2 wide, 3, or 4 data elds.
Change Data Fields—allows you to select the
type of data in the data elds. This option is
available only if data elds are selected.
Guidance Text—shows messages on the screen
advising you of your next navigation move.
Setup Map—accesses to six pages of display
Measure Distance (Stop Measuring)—
measures the distance from your current
location to the map pointer.
Turn Declutter On (Off)—eliminates items on
the map that can block road details.
Restore Defaults—returns to factory defaults.
Guidance Text
When navigating, guidance text appears above the
Guidance text
To show guidance text:
1. Press MENU > Guidance Text.
2. Select �lways Show, Never Show, or Show
When Navigating.
If you select Always Show, a guidance message
always appears.
If you select Show When Navigating, a guidance
message shows until you select Stop Navigation.