2. Use S or T to select a menu or sub-menu.The cursor (yellow) in the [Menu] col-
umn indicates the menu currently selected. The menu items in the right-hand win-
dow change according to the menu selected.
Menu Description
[Brill/Color]: Adjust the brilliance and color.
[Display]: Set up the display features.
[Echo]: Adjust the radar echo.
[Custom 1] - [Custom 3]: Adjust the user settings.
[Alarm]: Set up the alarm features.
[Target Trails]: Process the trails of radar targets.
[Tuning]: Adjust the radar tuning.
[Others]: Set up other items.
[Target]: Set up the targets configuration.
[ARPA]: Set up the ARPA targets.
[AIS]: Set up the AIS targets.
[GPS]: Set up the GP-320B (Black-Box GPS).
[Initial]: Initial Setting.
[Tests]: Diagnostic self test, LCD test and ARPA test. See section 6.7 to 6.9.
[Sector Blanks]: Set sector blanks to prevent the transmission in a certain area.
[Units]: Set up units.
[Installation] and [Factory]: For use by the installer. See Installation Manual.
3. Press the ENTER key to switch the cursor to the menu items column. The cursor
in the menu column now turns gray and the cursor in the menu items column is
yellow. The control moves to the menu items column.
To switch the cursor from the menu items column to the menu column, use the
CANCEL/HL OFF key. The color of the title bar of the active column is blue and
of the inactive column in gray.
4. Use S or T to select a menu item and press the ENTER key. A window with op-
tions for the related menu item appears.
Example windows
5. Use S or T to select an option or numeric value.
6. Press the ENTER key to save your selection. To close the window without saving,
press the CANCEL/HL OFF key.
7. Press the MENU key to close the menu.
Note: The menus on the [IEC] and [Russian-River] types close automatically when
there is no menu operation for 10 seconds, according to IEC regulations. The following
menus and screens are excluded from this regulation:
[Alarm message], [Alarm status], [Tuning Init Adjust], [GPS self test], [GPS satellite
monitor], [System self test], [System LCD pattern], and [Auto installation setup]. The
menus do not close automatically in the [River] or [Sea] configuration.
Display Color options Echo Brill setting window