10. How to Plan Routes
Note: To display a planned route, make sure that desired options of the planned route (Center line, Channel borders,
WPT marks, Leg marks, etc.) are chosen to either Std or Other on the Route page in the Chart Display dialog box.
Spin the scrollwheel to display Symbol Display/Info/ in the mouse
functions area then click the left mouse button to open the Symbol
Display dialog box. Click the arrow tabs or right mouse button to
choose the Route page.
• "Planned route" options only available in ECDIS mode.
• "WPT mark" cannot be turned off.
10.2 How to Select Datum
Selection of datum is very important, especially if you manually enter latitude-longitude positions or if you use a
digitizer. If you use the cursor to add and to modify waypoint locations, then you could use any datum, although it is
recommended to use native datum of the chart. For more information to choose datum, see section 12.3.