VDM - VHF data-link message
VDO - UAIS VHF data-link own-vessel report
Inland AIS specific sentences
Input sentences
PIWWIVD - Inland waterway voyage data
PIWWSPW - Inland AIS security password
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Total number of sentences needed to transfer the message (1 to 9)
2. Message sentence number (1 to 9)
3. Sequential message identifier (0 to 9, NULL)
4. AIS channel Number
5. Encapsulated ITU-R M.1371 radio message (1 - 63 bytes)
6. Number of fill-bits (0 to 5)
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Total number of sentences needed to transfer the message (1 to 9)
2. Message sentence number (1 to 9)
3. Sequential message identifier (0 to 9, NULL)
4. AIS channel Number (A or B)
5. Encapsulated ITU-R M.1371 radio message (1 - 63 bytes)
6. Number of fill-bits (0 to 5)
$PIWWIVD x, x, x, xx.xx, xx.xx, x , xxx, xxxx, xxx, hh<CR><LF>
1. Reporting rate, 0-15 1 to 9
2. No. of blue cones, 0-3, 4=B-Flag, 5=unknown (default)
3. Loaded/unloaded, 1=loaded, 2=unloaded, 0=not available (default)
4. Inland draught, 0.01-20.00(m), 0=unknown (default)
5. Air draught, 0.01-40.00(m), 0=unknown (default)
6. No. of tugboats, 0-6,7=unknown (default)
7. No. of crew members, 0-254, 255=unknown (default)
8. No. of passengers, 0-8190, 8191=unknown (default)
9. No. of shipboard personnel, 0-254, 255=unknown (default)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
$PIWWSPW a, x, c - - - c, x, hh<CR><LF>
1. Mode (E: Password input, C: Password change)
2. Password level (1: Maintenance password, 2: User password
3. Password (At least 6 characters)
4. Valid time (0 and 1-60 (s))
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