Contents of GPS setup menu (con’t from previous page)
Item Description Settings Default Setting
When the DOP or receiving condition
is unfavorable, the GPS fix may
change greatly, even if the vessel is
not moving. This change can be
reduced by smoothing the raw GPS
fixes. A setting between 000 to 999 is
available. The higher the setting the
more smoothed the raw data. If the
setting is too high, the response time
required to show a change of latitude
and longitude will be too long. This is
especially noticeable if the vessel is
moving fast. Increase the setting if
the GPS fix changes randomly.
0-999 seconds
0 seconds (no
position smoothing)
During position fixing, ship’s velocity
(speed and course) is directly
measured by receiving GPS satellite
signals. The raw velocity data may
vary too much depending on
receiving conditions and other
factors. You can reduce this random
variance by increasing the
smoothing. The higher the smoothing
setting, the more the raw data will be
averaged. If this setting is high, the
response to speed and course
changes will slow. For no smoothing,
enter all zeroes.
0-999 seconds
5 seconds
GPS Speed
Calculation of ETA is based on
average ship’s speed over a given
period. If the period is too long or too
short, calculation error will result.
Change this setting if calculation
error occurs. The default setting is
suitable for most conditions.
0-9999 seconds 60 seconds
Latitude Offset
Offsets latitude position to further
refine position accuracy. Use the
N < - - > S soft key to switch
9.999’S – 9.999’N 0.0’ (no offset)
As above but for longitude. Use the
W < - - > E soft key to switch
9.999’E – 9.999’W 0.0’ (no offset)
(Con’t on next page)