
4. Define the slots that are to be available as spare slots for a server profile
failover. To do this, enable the check box in the Spare column in the
table for the relevant slots.
If an error occurs or maintenance work needs to be carried out, select the Fail-
over function in the context menu of the affected server blade on the Server
Configuration tab. In this case, VIOM searches for the slot configured as a
spare slot. When it has found a suitable slot, it deletes the previous profile
assignment and assigns the profile to the spare slot. The server blade
installed in the spare slot therefore assumes the role of the failed server blade
including the network addresses.
l The profile can only be assigned to the spare slot if the server
blade in this slot is switched off (power off) (see also section
"Assigning server profiles" on page 296).
l The "spare" blade only assumes the role of the failed server
blade if the VIOM server profile also contains the boot settings
(e.g. FC boot settings) and if the spare blade is suitable for boot-
ing the same operating system as booted by the original blade.
The Virtual-IO Manager does not make any changes to the oper-
ating system.
13.3 Disaster Recovery
In a disaster recovery scenario - meaning you have two generally identical
sites and if one fails you restart all or at least the most important applications
on the other site - the server profile assignment feature may be used to “move
the application” from one site to the other as illustrated in the following dia-
ServerView Virtual-IO Manager 333
13.3 Disaster Recovery