The Advanced Menu allows you to:
Set the I/O addresses for the infrared ports.
Set the features of the keyboard/mouse.
Select between the display panel and/or an external
display or video projector.
Set internal device configurations
Configure USB features.
Configure miscellaneous features such as Wake Up On
Configure DMI Event Logging.
Follow the instructions for Navigating Through the
Setup Utility to make any changes.
(See Navigating through the Setup Utility on page 2 for
more information)
The following tables show the names of the menu fields
for the Advanced Menu and its submenus, all of the
options for each field, the default settings and a descrip-
tion of the field’s function, and any special information
needed to help understand the field’s use.
Figure 4. Advanced Menu
Table 4: Fields, Options and Defaults for the Advanced Menu
Menu Field Description
Port Configurations
When selected, opens the Serial/Parallel Port Configurations submenu which allows the user to modify
settings for serial, infrared, and parallel ports.
When selected, opens the Keyboard/Mouse Features submenu, which allows setting external and internal
keyboard and mouse parameters.
Video Features When selected, opens the Video Features submenu, which allows setting of the display parameters,
including routing of video signals to different displays or video projectors.
PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility
F1 Help
ESC Exit
Select Item
Select Menu
F9 Setup Defaults
F10 Save and Exit
Change Values
Select Sub-Menu
Main Advanced Security Boot Info Exit
Item Specific Help
▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲
Serial/Parallel Port Configurations
Keyboard/Mouse Features
Video Features
Internal Device Configurations
CPU Features
USB Features
Miscellaneous Configurations
Event Logging
Configures serial ports
and parallel ports.
Advanced Menu