Manufacturer’s notes
• Public transportation terminals where telephones are used to call taxis or
to reserve lodging or rental cars.
• In hotel and motel rooms as at least ten percent of the rooms must contain hearing
aid-compatible telephones or jacks for plug-in hearing aid compatible telephones which
will be provided to hearing impaired customers on request.
DOC (Industry CANADA) notices
Notice to Users of Radios a
nd Television
This Class B digital appa
ratus meets all requirements of Canadian Interference-Causing Equipment
CET appareil numérique
de la class B respecte toutes les exigence du Réglement
sur le ma térial brouill
eur du Canada.
Notice to Users of the
Canadian Telephone Network
This equipment m eet
s the app licable Industry Canada Terminal Equipment Technical
Specifications. Th
is is confirmed by the registration number. The abbreviation, IC, before
the registrat ion n
umber signifies that registration was performed based on a Declaration of
Conformity indica
ting that Industry Canada technical specifications were met. It doe s not
imply that Indust
ry Canada ap proved the equipment. Before connecting this equipment to
a telephone line t
he user should ensure that it is permissible to connect this equipment to
the loca l teleco
mmunication facilities. The user should be aware that compliance w ith the
certification s
tandards does not prevent service degradation in som e s itua tions.
Repairs to tele
communication equipment should be made by a Canadian authorised
maintenance fa
cility. Any repairs or alterations not exp ressly approved by Fujitsu or
any equipment
failures may give the telecommunication company cause to request the
user to discon
nect the equipment from the telephone line.
The Ringer E
quivalence Number (REN) for this terminal equipment is 0.0. The REN assigned
to each term
inal equipment provides an indication of the maximum number of te rminals
e con nected to a telephone interface. The termination on an interface may
consist of
any combination of devices subject only to the requirement that the sum of the
Ringer Equ
ivalence Numbers of all the devices does not exceed five.
For safet
y, users should ensure that the electrical grou nd of the power utility, the
ne lines and the metallic water pipes are connected together. Users should NOT
to make such connections themselves but should c ontact the appropriate electric
tion authority or electrician. This may be particularly important in rural areas.
Avis Aux Utilisateurs Du Réseau Téléphonique Canadien
AVIS : Le présent matériel est conforme aux spéci fications techniques d’Industrie Canada
applicables au matériel terminal. Cette conformité est confirmée par le numéro d’enregistrement.
Le sigle IC, placé devant le numéro d’enregistrement, signifie que l’enregistrement s’est effectué
conformément à une déclaration de conformité et indique que les spécifications techniques
d’Industrie Canada ont été respectées. Il n’implique pas qu’Industrie Canada a approuvé le matériel.
80 Fujitsu Technology Solutions