Working with the Table t PC
Switching the wireless components on and off
Before switching on your device for the first time, the o n/off switch for
radio components m ust be in the "ON" position.
► Slide the ON/O FF switch into the "ON" position to activate the radio componen ts.
WirelessLANWirelessLANBluetoo thBluetooth
► Slide the ON /O FF switch to the "OFF" position to deactivate the radio compone nts.
If you switch off the radio components, the wireless LAN transmission unit (antenna)
and, if prese nt, the Bluetooth and UMTS module will also be switched off.
You can enable and disable the installed radio components individually
using the WirelessSelector program me
You can also deactivate the wire less compo nents individually in the BIO S Setup.
For this to occur, you must either not have assigned a supervisor password or if a
supervisor password has been assigned, you must know this password.
Pay attention to the additional safety notes for devices w ith radio c ompo nents
provided in the "Safety/Regulations" manual.
Details on using Wireless LAN can be found in the online help system
included in the Wireless LAN software.
You can find more information on how to use Bluetooth on the CD you
received with your Bluetooth software.
You can obtain more information on U M TS from your service provider.
48 Fujitsu Technology Solutions