Appendix LCD Messages
SCSI Error E On A SCSI command error has been detected.
Action: Check the SCSI interface connection and try
Search << S — The drive is searching for a record, filemark, set-
mark, or BOD (Beginning of Data) from the current
position to the beginning of the tape.
Search >> S — The drive is searching for a record, filemark, set-
mark, or EOD (End of Data) from the current posi-
tion to the end of the tape.
Select Lock I — Tape selection is not possible (The PREVENT
MEDIUM REMOVAL command is in operation).
Select Tape I — This is displayed when you press the Select button
and for a short time after the button is released.
Self Test S — The autoloader is performing its power-on self-test.
SemiLoaded S — A cartridge is in the drive but not loaded (the tape
has not been threaded).
Stray Tape:
Insert Empty Mag
I — There is a cartridge in the autoloader but there is no
magazine present to put it in.
Action: Insert an empty magazine to retrieve the car-
Tape Fault E Flashing The cartridge in the drive is faulty, possibly because
the tape has snapped, or the cartridge has an invalid
pattern of identification holes.
Action: Use a new cartridge, ensuring that it is a
Media Recognition System cartridge
command encountered an EOP (End of Partition)
unexpectedly. If this occurs while the drive is read-
ing, it may mean that the required data is on the next
cartridge in the sequence.
Tape has DC data E On A READ command has encountered compressed
data on the tape when the drive is not configured to
decompress data. The host may have disabled data
compression, or configuration switch 2 (on the
underside of the autoloader) may be off so the
host’s ability to control the drive’s state is disabled.
Action: Check that the host has not disabled data
compression. Make sure that switch 2 is on by
reconfiguring the drive using the configuration
switches on the underside of the autoloader.
Tape Position Lost E On A WRITE, READ, SPACE or REWIND command
has failed to complete.
The tape is positioned on the far side of the bad
groups of data.
Action: Reposition the tape and try again.