9. In the [Scan Settings] dialog box, clear the [Save to
file] checkbox.
10. Click [Scanner Settings].
⇒ A setup dialog box appears for you to configure
scanner driver settings.
11. Configure scanner settings such as the resolution
and paper size.
WAIN driver/ISIS driver/Kofax VRS scanner
Configure scan settings, and then click the [OK]
12. In the [Scan Settings] dialog box, click the [Scan]
⇒ The document is scanned and the scanned image is
displayed in the [ScandAll PRO] window.
If the scanned document image is displayed in the window, it
means that the scanner driver is installed properly.
For further information about how to scan documents, refer to
rhe "fi-5950 Operator's Guide" or "ScandAll PRO V2.0 User's
Guide" contained in the Setup DVD-ROM.
2.5 Uninstalling Supplied
The following explains how to uninstall software applications
provided with the scanner.
1. Start your computer.
2. Exit all applications.
3. From the [start] menu, select [Control Panel]
D [Add
or Remove Programs].
⇒ In the [Add or Remove Programs] dialog box, you
can view a list of installed applications.
4. Select an application you want to uninstall as
• To remove TWAIN driver, select "Scanner
Utility for Microsoft Windows."
• To remove ScandAll PRO,
select "Fujitsu ScandAll PRO."
After ScandAll PRO, you can also remove Scan
to Microsoft SharePoint.
• To remove Scan to Microsoft SharePoint,
select "Scan to Microsoft SharePoint."
• To remove ISIS driver,
select "ISIS Driver - Fujitsu fi-5950."
• To remove Error Recovery Guide,
select "Error Recovery Guide."
• To remove Software Operation Panel, (Software
Operation Panel is automatically installed
together with TWAIN driver/ISIS driver/Kofax
select "Software Operation Panel."
• To remove Kofax VRS,
select "Kofax VRS."
• Scanner Central Admin Agent: Uninstall by
referring to the Scanner Central Admin 4.0
User’s Guide.
• To remove QuickScan Pro™,
select "QuickScan."
You only check the operation now, so you do
not have to save to file.
For a TWAIN driver, the scanner driver setup
dialog box may be displayed again after the
[OK] button is clicked. If this occurs, click the
[Scan] button in the dialog box.
Be sure to log on as a user with
"Administrator" privileges."