4.7 Data search by keyword input
CardMinder User’s Guide
Business Card Data Handling
• You can use the following characters in the [Find what:] box.
- You can use wildcard characters "*" and/or "?"
- You can do AND-search by using one-byte space instead of "AND."
- You cannot use the characters in the following parentheses in the search
term. (\, /, :, *, ?, ", <, >)
These characters, if used, will be converted to a wildcard character "?"
automatically for searching the search term.
• You can search for all data including the search term you enter. Both the
Name and Company on the business card are targeted for searching, and the
results will be either Name(s) or Company(-ies) that matches your search
• Search targets are the whole data on the [Inbox], [Exported], [Trash], and
[Mobile] tabs.
The number of results
that match your search
term is displayed.