● History
Conversion history: Displays the “Job_History” log file on which the PDF Conversion
results are described.
How to interpret the Log
● The results of conversion are displayed as follows:
Date = Date and time of conversion
File = Name of the file conversion performed
Path = Path to save the file
Result = Conversion result
Cause = The cause of failure (It is show when the Result is NG or except)
“Result” will be one of the following:
OK: PDF conversion is complete without problem.
NG: PDF conversion failed.
except: The file is not targeted for PDF conversion.
canceled: Conversion was canceled halfway through.
“Cause” will be one of the following:
If “Result” is “NG”
file not found:
The PDF file is not found. Before retrying conversion, ensure
that the file displayed after “File=” exists in the folder displayed
after “Path=”.
under file use:
The PDF file is being used by another application and the name
of the file is moved to the last of PDF Conversion List. Check if
the file is available. (Conversion is automatically retried.)
file open error:
The file cannot be opened because it is being used by another
application or access is not permitted. Ensure that the file is
available and you have the access right before retrying
file access
The file cannot be accessed or opened because it is being used by
another application or access is not permitted. Ensure that the file
is available and you have the access right before retrying
OCR error:
A problem occurred during conversion to searchable PDF. Retry
out of memory:
Conversion failed due to insufficient memory. Exit all programs
you are not using before retrying conversion. If still errors occur,