System Administration 263
NAME showarchiving - display log archiving configuration and status
SYNOPSIS showarchiving
showarchiving [-e][-v]
showarchiving -h
DESCRIPTION showarchiving(8) displays the status and configuration information for log
archiving on the Service Processor.
Privileges You must have platadm, platop or fieldeng privileges to run this command.
Refer to setprivileges(8) for more information.
OPTIONS The following options are supported:
If the -e option is not specified, showarchiving displays the following
1. A list of archiving configuration data:
-e Displays information about the last ten archiving errors.
-h Displays usage statement.
When used with other options or operands, an error occurs.
-v Specifies verbose output.
Archiving state Log archiving is enabled or disabled.
Archive host The host on which the logs are archived. Initial
value is Not configured. Possible values are
a host name or IPv4 address.
Archive directory The directory on the archive host where the
archives are stored. Initial value is Not