System Administration 137
NAME setdomainmode - set a domain mode
SYNOPSIS setdomainmode [[-q] -{y|n}] -d domain_id -m function=mode
setdomainmode -h
DESCRIPTION setdomainmode(8) sets a domain mode for the specified domain.
The domain mode of each domain can be set. The domain mode includes the
following settings:
■ OpenBoot PROM diagnostic levels (Diagnostics Level)
■ Whether to enable or disable the host watchdog and suppress break signal
reception (Secure Mode). The default of the host watchdog is enable and
suppress break signal reception is enable.
■ Whether to enable or disable the auto boot function used at domain startup
If the domain mode is set, the current settings of the domain mode are listed.
Privileges You must have one of the following privileges to run this command:
■ Diagnostic level:
■ Secure Mode, Autoboot:
Refer to setprivileges(8) for more information.
fieldeng Can run this command for all domains.
platadm Can run this command for all domains.
domainadm Can run this command only for your managed domains.