36 SPARC Enterprise Mx000 Servers Administration Guide • November 2007
4. To verify the operation, type the showntp command.
▼ To Display the NTP Configuration
1. Log in to the XSCF console.
2. Type the showntp command:
where the -a option displays all the NTP servers configured for use, the -l
option displays time synchroiization information, address is the IP address of the
NTP server for which information is to be displayed, and the -s option displays
the stratum value of the NTP server.
▼ To Set the Timezone, Daylight Saving Time,
Date, and Time Locally on the Service Processor
1. Log in to the XSCF console with platadm or fieldeng privileges.
2. Type the settimezone command:
a. To display the timezones that you can set:
b. To set the timezone:
where timezone is the timezone you want to set. For more information on the
settimezone command, including setting Daylight Saving Time, refer to the
settimezone(8) man page or to the Reference Manual.
3. To verify the operation, type the showtimezone command.
XSCF> showntp -s
XSCF> showntp {-a | -l | address | -s}
XSCF> settimezone -c settz -a
XSCF> settimezone -c settz -s timezone
XSCF> showtimezone