(2) Window data: DATA OUT phase (initiator Æ target)
Window data specifies the details of a window. Window data contains a head and
one or more window descriptor block. Each window descriptor block specifies the
attributes of a window (size, position, scan mode, etc.).
If a target receives the SET WINDOW command when it already has window data,
the target discards all of the current window data and validates the newly received
a. Header
Window data (header) is shown in the following illustration.
Byte 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Window descriptor block length
(a) Window descriptor block length: Bytes 6 and 7
Specifies the length in bytes of a window descriptor block. Each block has
the same length. The allowable range of length is between 40 and 248
bytes. For a length outside this range, this scanner returns the following
error information:
f Status: B©00001π (CHECK CONDITION)
f Sense key: X©5π (ILLEGAL REQUEST)
b. Window descriptor block
Window parameter data (window descriptor block) is shown in the following
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