34 Chapter 4. Using the Generator Command
Specified to reduce the number of adapter classes generated. When this parameter
is specified, the object reference types of all parameters excluding RETURNING
become java-lang-Object. Instead, the parameter names are generated so that they
include original type information (see "Specifying the -om option or the "Option
ReduceClass" parameter"). The class browser can identify almost every method. If
the class browser cannot identify methods such as because parameter names are too
long, the method name cross-reference list file can be used for identification.
This option is exclusive with the -r option, -gc option, -gm option and –gf option.
Specifies that any existing adapter class with the same name be overwritten. If this
parameter is omitted, no adapter class is overwritten.
Specify this option when specifying a constructor/method/field generated as an
adapter class, for the
specified right after this option. By
doing so, the size of an adapter class can be reduced. (Refer to "Specifying
Refer to the -gc option for the procedure of specifying the constructor, to the -gm
option for the procedure of specifying the method and to the -gf option for the
procedure of specifying the field, respectively.
Specify the
right after this option.
When specifying constructor/method/field for more than one
, specify the -r option for each
If there is no single -gc option or -gm option or -gf option that corresponds to this
option, the adapter class without constructor/method/field is generated.
This option has exclusive relation with the -om option.
When this option is used, be sure to create all of the adapters using the java2cob
command only once. If the adapter classes are generated by using the java2cob
command two or more times, a correct adapter class may not be generated.
Creation of an adapter class by specifying the constructor/method/field without
specifying a constructor/method/field is not permitted.
Specify this option when creating the adapter class in which the java.lang.String type
is mapped into alphanumeric item (PIC X). (Refer to the paragraph "Specifying
java.lang.String into PIC X.")
specifies the parameter size (PIC X(
)) of the property method that corresponds to
the String type field. When omitted, it is assumed that 256 is specified.
Specify this option when creating an adapter class in which the end of the character
string needs to be set. (Refer to "End control of character string.")
Specifies the Java class name or interface name, for which an adapter class is to be
generated, by qualifying it with a package name. When specifying an internal class