FTP-628WSL110 /120 Series
Command Contents
HT Horizontal tab.
LF Line feed with printing.
FF Feeds forms (new page).
ECS RS Sets reverse printing.
ESC US Resets reverse printing.
ESC FF Data printing in page print mode.
ESC ! + n Sets print mode.
ESC%+n Externalregistrationcharacterspecication/cancellation.
ESC&+y+c1+c2+x+d1~dn Externalregistrationcharacterdenition.
ESC *+m+n1+n2+[d1~dn] Bit image mode registration
ESC 3+n Sets the line feed length.
ESC ?+n External registration character deletion.
ESC @ Printer initialization.
ESC A+n Sets the space between lines.
ESC C+n Sets the page length by character line.
ESC D+n Sets the tab position.
ESC J+n Feeds paper in forward direction and prints.
ESC K+n Reverse paper feed.
ESC L Page print mode selection.
ESC R+n Selects international character.
ESC S Line print mode selection.
ESCV+n RightRotation90°specication/cancellation.
ESC W+x1+x2+y1+y2+Dx1+dx2+dy1+dy2 Print area setting in page print mode.
ESC X+m+n Sleep mode time setting.
ESC c+1+n Sets internal processing.
ESC s+n Print speed setting.
ESC {+n Sets/resets upside down printing.
ESC Y SOH x a DLE + n RS-232C communication setting.
FS!+n Kanjiprintingmodecollectivespecication.
FS& Kanjiprintingmodespecication.