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3.8.40 Graphic data non compressed
[Name] Graphic data – non-compressed
[Format] ASCII US d1,d2,..,dX
Hex 1F d1,d2,..,dX
Decimal 31 d1,d2,..,dX
[Range] n: [0;255]
X=54 for FTP624MCLxxx, X=72 for FTP634MCLxxx,
[Description] When the printer controller receives this command the
X graphic bytes (d1-dX) will be printed in one dot line.
The MSB in d1 is the left most dot and the LSB in dX is
the right most dot.
3.8.41 Graphic data compressed
[Name] Graphic data compressed
[Format] ASCII Y d1,d2,..,d(-Y)
Hex Y d1,d2,..,d(-Y)
Decimal Y d1,d2,..,d(-Y)
[Range] Y: [-X;-2]
n: [0;255]
X=54 for FTP624MCLxxx, X=72 for FTP634MCLxxx,
[Description] When the printer controller receives a byte that is Y to
2 (Decimal 256-Y to 254) the following data is
compressed data. The number of compressed graphic
bytes is the negative value.
This means:
If Y = -10 (Decimal 246) the next 10 bytes is
compressed data.
The compressed data is as follows.
When a data byte is 0 (no dots activated) the next byte
received is the number of bytes that are 0. All other
data is send as non compressed.
A very few lines cannot be compressed. These will if
you try to compress them be longer than the non-
compressed line. These must therefore be send as
non-compressed data.
3.8.42 Escape sequences, overview.