3: Selection by using the mouse
- Servers can be selecting by using the wheel on the mouse. When the central button
(wheel button) or both the right and left buttons at the same time are pressed, the
selection is set and MODE-1 of the Hotkey mode ends. After switching, the server
name is displayed on the upper left of the screen in approximately three seconds
(for a mouse with a wheel button).
- Press the right button to select the slave side on the SERVER SELECTION screen
(for a cascade connection). When a cascade connection is not used, the mode is
changed to the Customer mode.
- Press the left button to select the master side on the SERVER SELECTION screen
(for a cascade connection). In addition, press the left button in the Customer mode
to return to the SERVER SELECTION screen.
iii. AutoScan mode
The mode becomes the AutoScan mode when <0> is pressed. Refer to "11-2-5.
AutoScan mode" for more details.