2.8 EIT (Exception, Interrupt, and Trap)
Table 2.8.3 is the vector table in the architecture.
Special functions are assigned to some vectors.
Table 2.8-3 Vector Table
Vector offset
Vector number Explanation
3FC 00 0 Reset (*1)
3F8 01 1 Reserved by the system
3F4 02 2 Reserved by the system
3F0 03 3 Reserved by the system
3E0 07 7 Reserved by the system
3DC 08 8 Reserved by the system
3D8 09 9 INTE instruction
3D4 0A 10 Reserved by the system
3D0 0B 11 Reserved by the system
3CC 0C 12 Step-trace-trap
3C8 0D 13 Reserved by the system
3C4 0E 14 Undefined-instruction exception
3C0 0F 15 NMI (for user)
3BC 10 16 Maskable interrupt cause #0
3B8 11 17 Maskable interrupt cause #1 *
300 3F 63 Maskable interrupt cause/INT instruction
2FC 40 64 Reserved by the system (used for REALOS)
2F8 41 65 Reserved by the system (used for REALOS)
2F4 42 66 Maskable interrupt cause/INT instruction
000 FF 255
*1: Fixed address 000FFFFC
is always used for the reset vector even when the TBR value is changed.
*2: See Appendix B, "Interrupt Vector," for the vector table for the MB91F109.