5.7 Setting Scanner Configuration
Scanner configuration is set by adding, editing and deleting scanner configuration.
Scanner configuration can be set from the "Scanner Config List" window.
The "Scanner Config List" window is displayed by selecting the [Config List] button in the Central
Admin Console main window.
Scanner configuration is information used to identify scanners on the Central Admin Server, when
registering configuration information from a scanner to the Central Admin Server.
The registered scanners can be reviewed, and modified by the Central Admin Server functions.
Initially, scanner configuration for each scanner in the scanner group is automatically added. To
prevent scanner configuration from automatically being added, clear the [Automatically add new
scanners to the Central Admin configuration when they are discovered] checkbox in the "Central
Admin Server Settings" window in advance.
Scanner configuration can be registered on the Central Admin Server in the following ways.
z Import from the Central Admin Console "Scanner Config List" window
Import a defined scanner configuration file, and register scanner configuration for several
scanners at once.
z Add directly from the Central Admin Console "Scanner Config List" window
Add scanner configuration directly from the Central Admin Console "Scanner Config List"
window for one scanner at a time.