1.1 Turning the Scanner ON
1. Press the power button on the operator panel.
The scanner is turned on, and the green LED on the operator panel illuminates.
During the initialization, the indication of the Function Number Display changes as follows:
8 D P D 0 D 1
A number "1" indicated on the operator panel shows that the scanner is in the ready status.
■ About Power ON/OFF Control
You can select how to power the scanner on/off; by pressing the Power button, or by
connecting/disconnecting the AC cable.
The procedure is as follows:
1. Open the [Scanner Properties] dialog box.
1) Turn on the scanner, and make sure that the scanner is connected to your personal
computer. Refer to "2.2 Connecting the Scanner to a PC" in fi-5530C2 Getting Started
contained in the DVD-ROM for information about how to connect the scanner to your
personal computer.
2) Double click the [Printer and Other Hardware] icon in Control Panel.
⇒ The [Printer and Other Hardware] window appears.
To turn the scanner off, hold the power button down for at least two