Default settings
Pre-set values for optional menus.
In this manual, refers to a measurement of the depth of the display.
The process by which a group of dots is arranged to represent a shade of gray. The
predetermined dot pattern simulates shades of gray. This scanning process offers the
advantage of reduce memory requirements compared to multilevel gray.
Document jam
A warning that appears when document is jammed in the transport unit, or transportation
is Interrupted because the paper is slipping.
Dots per inch. Number of dots lined along one inch A measurement of resolution
normally used for scanners and printers. Higher dpi means better resolution.
Driver software
In this manual, driver software refers to software that allows the scanning application
software to communicate with the scanner.
Dropout color
A color which is used in the document but does not appear in the read image.
Duplex reading mode
A mode for scanning both sides of the document in one pass.
Eject rollers
Rollers that transport documents from the ADF onto the Stacker.
Energy Star
ENERGY STAR is an international standard for energy-efficient electronic equipment. It
was created by the US Environment Protection Agency (EPA) in 1992. The standard
program has now been adopted by several countries around the world.