3.11 Initialization of fi-5000N
To reset the settings of the fi-5000N to the factory default, follow the procedure below.
1. Turn on the power of the fi-5000N.
2. Open the cover and press the [SET] key.
The following settings screen appears.
3. Press the [ID] and [
.] key simultaneously for about 5 seconds.
The following screen appears.
4. To reset the settings to the factory default press [ENT].
The following screen appears.
5. Restart the fi-5000N.
And with this, the initialization is completed. Now configure the fi-5000N settings.
(For details about the fi-5000N settings, refer to "3.3 fi-5000N's Settings and Connecting to the
Network" (page 14).)
Initialization will delete all uses information, and the settings are reset to
default. Prior to performing initialization, back up the user information by
referring to "5.4 Managing User Information of fi-5000N" (page 51). Note
down the network setting information to restore them.
Register Finger
Change PIN Code
Show Network Config
Do you want to
initialize the
The device has
been initialized.
Restart the device.